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A woman wearing a white suit and orange eyeshadow stands in front a backdrop reading "2023."

Your Free Numerology Report for 2023

Read your free Numerology predictions for 2023!

By Patrick Phillips

2022 was a 6 year, meaning it was all about building new relationships and strengthening the people already in your life, but 2023 adds up to a 7, and the energy is instead asking us to look inward. Now that we have grown in tandem with others, we need to step back and see how we ourselves have changed in response to the growth 2022 asked of us. Where are we different? How has our outlook changed?

It’s safe to say that many of us have experienced internal shifts as the world acclimates to the new abnormal, and now is the moment to get clear regarding those changes. As much as you think you know yourself, perhaps you have altered in ways you didn’t even realize; sometimes, in order to process change, we must be confronted with it directly, and that’s what this year is all about. We have a collective opportunity to come to terms with ourselves and develop a better understanding of the ways we’ve evolved while we were just living our lives.

A new you has been slowly forming when you didn’t even realize it. Now, it’s time to fully integrate that existence and go forward with a stronger sense of awareness. This process won’t occur overnight, but that’s okay -- the 7 energy is not one to be rushed. Move slowly, dipping your toe in to test the waters with each step, until you’ve fully immersed yourself in this new sea of possibility.

Goals for 2023

Make self-care a priority

It’s time to nurture yourself with the time and care you might have previously denied yourself. We’re living in a strange world, and no matter the circumstance, it can be difficult to push ourselves forward on a continual basis. This is a year to make sure you aren’t burning out. Keep your spiritual and emotional reserves safely secure.

Gain greater clarity

You’re going to have a lot of eureka moments in 2023 as you come to understand yourself better and why you behave the way you do. Focus on getting to the root of matters and examining how these core issues have impacted your life thus far. It’s time to highlight your strengths and weed out your weaknesses.

Contemplate oneness

Building connections between yourself and the natural world is very important this year. There’s a lot to be gained by tapping into the energy that pervades all manner of life and seeing how we are all linked together. No person is an island, and it’s time for us to realize that more than ever.

Listen to your inner voice

Intuition is a major theme of the 7 year, and learning to trust yourself on a more instinctual level is a big part of this. Make a point to follow your gut more often, and if you have trouble listening to it, then put a focus on getting more in touch with your instincts. They know what’s right for you.

Your Personal Year Number in 2023

While the 7 Universal Year will impact everybody throughout 2023, the influence you'll feel most directly comes from your Personal Year number. Calculating your Personal Year number is easy -- simply look at the date of your birthday in 2023, then add each digit together. If you end up with a double-digit number as your sum, add those digits together as well until you come up with a single digit.

For example, if you were born on November 20, your birthday in 2023 will be 11/20/2023.

Create an addition problem with each digit in that date -- 1+1+2+0+2+0+2+3 = 11.

Add again until you get a single digit: 1+1 = 2. So, your Personal Year number for 2023 would be 2.

Easy enough, right? Once you’ve calculated your Personal Year number, read the description below to learn about what 2023 may hold in store for you.

Reveal how the numerological energies of 2023 will unfold for YOU now »

Personal 1 Year in 2023: A fresh start

Many paths are opening up this year, showing you a way of living that’s all about turning a fresh page or even opening up a whole new book altogether. In 2022, you wrapped up the final chapter of a nine-year cycle. This closure and release has cleared some space to fill with fresh fare in 2023.

The 1 year is all about starting out in a new direction -- and putting yourself first in the process. There’s a rather selfish energy to this number, but it’s actually a good thing this time around, because it will allow you to get truly serious about chasing after what you want and what makes you happy. You might have moments this year when it feels like you’re standing on the precipice of something big, but don’t let yourself be daunted by these adventures. You’re starting a whole new nine-year cycle, one that will build off the previous cycle while still being completely new and full of exciting prospects. You’re the protagonist this year, so go after whatever it is you want -- and perhaps a few things you never knew you desired.

Ready to make the most of your fresh start? Get in-depth 2023 predictions personalized to YOUR unique Numerology »

Personal 2 Year in 2023: Relationship central

2022 was a year of putting yourself front and center as you sought out new vistas to explore and new journeys to take. While you learned a lot about being self-reliant and how capable you are when you drive the chariot, 2023 is a year of taking a step back and checking in with other people before you dash off in any particular directions.

Over the course of these twelve months, you’ll have chances to strengthen the bonds that might have been put on the back burner while you were so busy pursuing your dreams last year. This is a time for responsibility to others. Make sure you’re carrying your weight and not leaving others with more than they can hold. If you feel lonesome after the self-involved vibrations of the 1 year, then you should put a premium on not only shoring up your current relationships, but also on building new ones., Prioritize quality and commitment in these new bonds, rather than just adding names to your contacts. This is also a terrific year for finding love or amplifying the love you already feel, so if romance is something you have your eye on in 2023, then you’ve got cosmic clearance to go for gold.

Your relationships are in the spotlight this year. Learn more about what’s in store with your unique numerology for 2023 »

Personal 3 Year in 2023: Time to create

It’s time to open the window and let in a fresh breath of air. 2022 was a year of playing your part in relationships and being there for other people, but there’s a rather different vibration affecting you now as you enter your 3 year in 2023. This is a year of exploration and creativity, a year when you can get out and about, meet people, and explore concepts you never dreamed of, all of which have the power to totally change your day-to-day reality.

Your most important task is to realize that if you don’t engage with life, then it will pass you by, and the 3 year is asking you more than ever to dive in and experience all the things the world has to offer. This can bring major changes in terms of your social life, perhaps including a move or relocation of sorts that foists new situations upon you. If you try to hide away from these changes, or deny that they’re occurring, you’ll feel left behind by year’s end, like you missed a package you’ve been waiting for because you didn’t answer the door when the delivery person needed you to sign for it. Open the door, sign your name, and dive into whatever life sends your way.

Feeling inspired yet? This is your time! Explore more of your unique Numerology for 2023 with a personalized reading »

Personal 4 Year in 2023: Buckle down

Last year was a 3 year for you, which was all about embracing life and adding a heady dose of excitement to your existence. 2023 is a 4 year, however, and this energy is much more about rolling up your sleeves and getting back to basics. Now that you’ve connected with like minds and fresh faces, it’s your duty to account for yourself.

Where have you given up on claiming responsibility for yourself? Have you allowed a few too many things to fall through the cracks? The time for such behavior is over, and during this twelve-month period, you must step forward and be willing to put in the work. Without this effort, you’ll have a hard time getting what you feel you rightly deserve -- success will only come once you’ve taken the steps to actually earn your keep. That doesn’t mean that this entire year will be one long march uphill, but that if you want to reach the finish line and the rewards waiting there, you’ll need to accept the fact that no one can achieve this for you. This is your journey, no one else’s.

It’s time to stand in your personal power. Find out how with in-depth 2023 predictions personalized to you »

Personal 5 Year in 2023: Your transformation awaits

Are you ready to shake things up? Last year you were tasked with the rather unrelenting burden of a 4 year, which requires you to put your nose to the grindstone and get serious about life. You may not have had much room to slack off or to veer from the path in front of you, but 2023 is a 5 year. This is the number of freedom and change. It’s safe to say that things will shift drastically for you over the next twelve months.

The year ahead is all about making adjustments and exploring the options available to you, and if you don’t like what you’re working with, then perhaps it’s time to strike out and create some new possibilities for yourself. Chances are good that your life will look markedly different at the end of 2023 than it did at the beginning. The main thing to remember is that it’s wiser to embrace these changes than to try to stop them, because the more you resist, the more complicated things will become for you down the road. The universe is using these changes to get you to the place you’re meant to be, so think of 2023 as a cosmic recalibration with lots of adventures to be had.

Change is in the air! Learn more about your upcoming evolution with a personalized Numerology reading »

Personal 6 Year in 2023: There’s no "I" in "team"

Your life likely changed quite a bit over 2022. You were experiencing a 5 year, which brought plenty of alterations your way. You might have found yourself in a new living situation, or perhaps started a new job that was a departure from what you’d done previously, or maybe there was a relationship that caused a pivot in your trajectory. Now, however, the dust has settled. You can begin to understand your new reality on a deeper level during your 6 year.

The main theme of a 6 year is relationships, which indeed might have gotten put on ice as you flew through 2022. All those changes that created new situations have made it possible to put down new roots, strengthen bonds, and integrate yourself more fully into your life. It’s a great moment to think in terms of “we” rather than “me,” because for the last year, it’s been all about focusing on your own needs. That’s no longer the case. A new social group could grow around you early in the year, and you’ll likely find yourself developing strong affections for these people. It’s time to establish your soul community, so be sure to circulate. There are people waiting to meet you!

Teamwork makes the dream work! Find out how to collaborate and compromise with your in-depth Numerology report »

Personal 7 Year in 2023: Look within

You spent 2022 getting closer to people as you lived through the relationship-oriented energy of the 6 year, but there’s a very different vibration calling you in the 7 energy of 2023. The 7 is all about introspection and coming to better terms with yourself on a spiritual level. This might not sound very exciting, and in fact it might not look that way from the outside, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have important moments in 2023, simply that they are of a less obvious nature.

You’re undergoing a number of personal shifts as you acclimate to your life, and you’ll need time to process some of them. That’s what you’re doing this year. There will be a lot of epiphanies on the way in the months ahead, lots of ah-ha moments when you begin to gain clarity on why you behave the way you do. These moments will help you summon new reserves of power and courage, and it’s a good thing too -- you’ll need plenty of both during your epic 8 year in 2024. As for 2023, it’s time to focus on becoming the best version of yourself possible, working from the inside out.

Draw from your inner wisdom. Your in-depth 2023 Numerology predictions can show you how »

Personal 8 Year in 2023: Show your strength

It’s time to assume the power that’s been beyond your grasp for the last couple of years. In 2022 you experienced 7 energy, which is a very spiritual and personal time, but not one that sees a lot of progress in the outer world. This might have left you feeling a little ineffectual. That all changes as you enter your 8 year, a year that’s going to see you climbing new mountains and asserting yourself as a leader in new fields.

Whether you feel like you have very little agency in life or like you’ve already earned your stripes and success, there are fresh opportunities on offer to become a stronger version of yourself, someone who has achieved meaningful success and earned respect because of it. This is not a time to play the wallflower, so if that’s your usual comfort zone, be prepared for the fact that life will likely call you to center stage where everyone can see what you’re doing. The only way you can possibly fail the requirements of the 8 year is if you shirk away from wielding the power the universe wishes to give you. It’s time to show everyone what you can do.

Shine on, superstar! Explore your personal 2023 predictions to learn more about this year’s opportunities »

Personal 9 Year in 2023: Tying up loose ends

2023 marks an important ending phase for you, as it is the final year in your 9-year cycle, indicating a time when you’re closing out elements of your life that no longer serve you. In many ways, this year could feel like you’ve drifted out to sea and there’s no wind in your sails to push you forward, but that’s exactly what the 9 year brings -- a period of peace when you can look back at everything you’ve accomplished over the last nine years. This is the transition phase that will usher you into your next cycle when you begin a fresh 1 year in 2024.

You are cocooning, but that doesn’t mean you should be asleep at the wheel. Actively embrace letting go and bringing matters to a conclusion. Relationships may come to an end as certain people leave your life, or perhaps there are beliefs you have held for a long time that you need to release. This is a moment for detoxing, for clearing your plate so you can heap new things upon it next year, but if you try to chase after new opportunities too soon, you’ll find they continue to elude you. Allow the tide to pull you out for now. Eventually, it will place you exactly where you’re meant to be.

You’re ready for closure. Discover more about what this cycle has taught you with your 2023 Numerology predictions, made especially for you »

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