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Numerology number 7

Number 7 Meaning in Numerology

Learning about the single digit seven

By Numerology.com Staff

We meet a vast array of different energies as we get to know the meanings of the single-digit numbers in Numerology. Each of these nine Numerology numbers represent a unique set of traits that affect the vibrations around us in their own way. These numbers impact us on an internal and external level every day so it's important we understand the effects they have. When the number 7 is involved, we are taken on a great quest for answers and truth.

What is the definition of 7 in Numerology?

The number 7 is both deep and wise. It is not satisfied with simple explanations and surface-level information -- this is frivolous stuff. It knows that the real gold is buried deeper and won't stop until it finds it ... and then it'll keep digging for more. Asking questions, researching, listening, and sensing are all special skills the 7 uses in its search for awareness.

Though spirituality is especially important to the number 7 in Numerology, it takes a more intellectual approach to life than an emotional one. It is an analytical number that enjoys gathering and filtering through information to find answers. Still, it has a more powerful intuition than you might expect which it uses as a guide. This combination of conscious and subconscious thinking allows the mind of the Numerology number 7 to shine a light into the very deepest realms to access hidden truths.

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Strengths of the number 7

Spiritual: The 7's understanding that there is always something deeper, something more we can't see, instills in it a great sense of spirituality. While religion is too limiting for this boundless number, a very personal, intellectual connection to the spiritual world gives its experiences more mystery and meaning.

Curious: With infinite questions waiting to be answered, the world is an incredibly engaging place for the number 7. It finds interest in many topics and seeks to absorb as much knowledge and understanding as it can. Whether it's practical or metaphysical doesn't matter, the number 7 always wants to know more.

Analytical: The number 7 isn't just an information sponge. While it is driven to take in all the data it can, its real strength lies in sorting through what it finds. Being able to separate what's useful from what's meaningless and identify fact from fiction helps the 7 stay on track and follow the most valuable wisdom.

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Weaknesses of the number 7

Reclusive: The 7 spends most of its time deep in thought and study and doesn't place much importance on the lighter side of life. Over time a lack of social involvement turns the 7 even further inward, limiting its life experiences and making it unable to forge new friendships and romantic connections.

Secretive: This number is more comfortable holding its cards close to its chest. It's not that the 7 is trying to hide damaging secrets, it just doesn't feel the need for everyone to know everything about it. The problem is, it's impossible to connect with others in genuine way if you won't ever let them see to the real you.

Suspicious: Because of its insatiable need to look below the surface, the number 7 may upset a good thing by making assumptions and accusations or digging for answers when there are none. It is always assuming there is more to the story, even when there really isn't.

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Life Path number 7 in Numerology

Exploring the mysteries of life gives the 7 path its purpose. These are very inquisitive people with an insatiable need to delve into any topic in search of answers and truths. However, they tend to be solitary creatures who have a lot to learn about relationships and vulnerability.

Reveal more insight into what it means to be a Life Path number 7 »

Personality traits for number 7:

  • Perceptive
  • Intellectual
  • Mysterious
  • Spiritual
  • Reserved
  • Skeptical
  • Solitary
  • Introspective
  • Analytical

The Number 7 in Tarot & Astrology

Just like the 7 in Numerology, the seventh card in the Tarot deck, The Chariot, is on a quest. He uses both focus and intention to drive his energy toward his purpose. Within Astrology, the zodiac signs Libra and Pisces are both associated with the number 7. Libra is the seventh astrological sign and is a symbol of unwavering truth. Pisces is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac and encourages us to connect with all that is deeper and greater than ourselves.

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7 in your Numerology chart

Take a look at your own Numerology reading and you may find the number 7 anywhere! Perhaps you have a Life Path number 7, as explained above, or maybe it's your Expression number, Destiny number, Soul Urge number, or Birth Day number. The more number 7s you have in a reading, the more you'll feel its wise and spiritual influence!

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Other Numerology meanings

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