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Numerology Life Path 4 compatibility

Numerology Life Path 4 Compatibility

The best and worst love matches for the Life Path number 4

By Numerology.com Staff

In Numerology, the Life Path number 4 is stable, dependable, and trustworthy -- seems like a perfect romantic partner, right? The trouble is, people with a 4 Life Path tend to be more rigid and less social than others, so they may not be the best romantic match for an especially adventurous or extroverted person. So, who has the highest chances for compatibility when it comes to the strong and loyal 4 Life Path? Keep reading to see what Numerology has to say about who is compatible and who's not!

Life Path 4 and 1 compatibility

Life Path numbers 4 and 1 need to beware: The combo can seem rock solid for a long time, only to crash and burn in the blink of an eye. A Life Path 1 runs the risk of being self-centered and risky; a 4 is just as ambitious as a 1, but much more steady and reliable -- a by-the-book kind of person. A 4 will slog through routine to get things done, while a 1 is much more impatient. These two will be golden as long as the 1 avoids a path of unknowns and questionable results; when this happens, the 4's sturdiness will get the 4 labeled a "stick in the mud," frustrating the 1. This will mean death to the relationship. On the other hand, if the 1 is able to respect the 4's need for a secure lifestyle, and the 4 can understand 1's need to try new things, a strong love life between these two numbers is possible.

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Life Path 4 and 2 compatibility

A combo of Life Path numbers 4 and 2 is a powerful one. While a Life Path number 2 is generally sensitive and intuitive, the 4 is grounded and practical. This combination of extremes means relationship balance: the 2 and the 4 are not just complemented, but strengthened by each other. That makes this one of the best number combinations. The two were probably drawn together to fill what each thought was missing in their lives, and mutually admire each other. But the 2 and 4 need to watch out for misunderstanding -- 2 can be annoyed when 4's practical view of life overshadows romance. 4 doesn't always understand 2's emotional consciousness. But when all is said and done -- and this is the key to any healthy, stable, and enjoyable relationship -- this occasional lack of understanding becomes a minor issue in an otherwise perfect balance of human qualities. The differences will bring balance to the relationship, instead of destroying it.

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Life Path 4 and 3 compatibility

In Numerology, the Life Path numbers 4 and 3 make for a great but difficult duo. Life Path 3s are fun-loving and playful, with a strong faith in life. For happy-go-lucky 3s, optimism is the name of the game. 4s, however, are grounded and practical. They desire discipline and are duty-oriented. On the one hand, this makes for a very balanced relationship. As long as there aren't any true obstacles, everything is harmonious for this couple. But when life presents a challenge, a 3 and 4 couple is one of the combos least prepared to deal. The Life Path 3 might resent the 4's hard-nosed approach to the problem. The 4 will resent what he or she sees as the go-with-the-flow 3's lack of effort in addressing the problem. Instead of forming a united front, the number 3 and number 4 may turn against each other. Instead, each must acknowledge the other's different approach to conflict, step back, and avoid being critical. If these numbers can do that, they'll strike an ideal balance.

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Life Path 4 and 4 compatibility

According to Numerology, Life Path numbers 4 and 4 can have either an excellent or a stressful relationship -- there's not much in the middle. 4s enjoy some predictability and routine in their lives. The relationship's success depends on how compatible those routines are -- after all, 4s finely tune their environments to accommodate their own needs. Two 4s should realize that they don't need to spend every hour of the day together, and that, although they should be flexible to their partner's needs, they don't need to sacrifice all their own desires to accommodate a significant other. Together, 4s should appreciate their mutual strengths: 4s are reliable and dependable, true to their word. But they run the risk of creating a lifestyle that is too rigid, one that can drive away family and friends. 4s should practice tolerance -- in their relationships and beyond -- in order to achieve romance.

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Life Path 4 and 5 compatibility

Life Path number 4 and Life Path number 5 make up a challenging combination when it comes to Numerology compatibility. 4s like routine and predictability while 5s prefer change and the unexpected. Often, these two can be each other's polar opposites, which explains the initial attraction. The Numerology number 4 may be drawn to the 5's daring approach to a dynamic life; the number 5 may admire the control and discipline the 4 Life Path number seems to have. The resulting relationship might feel like a roller coaster ride. Both differ socially: the Life Path 5 is freedom-loving and far more wild, although 4 can come out and play when the occasion calls for it. In matters of opinion, 4 and 5 will often find each other in opposition. The number 4 probably leans more toward the right of the spectrum, while 5 leans left. For this partnership to work, the mutual love must be strong enough to allow each person room to stick to his or her lifestyle of choice. If both partners remain flexible and don't take themselves too seriously, love can bloom.

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Life Path 4 and 6 compatibility

In Numerology, it is not that common for Life Path number 4 and Life Path number 6 to fall in love. They have plenty in common -- both are practical and highly responsible, both are family-oriented -- but they are rarely interested in each other. They tend to compete where one might expect them to support each other. If interest does bloom, however, the alliance will probably be comfortable and strong, and will most likely last a long time. Some might even call the relationship indestructible, because a 4 and a Life Path 6 can become inseparable. Still, there may be trouble beneath the surface: while 4s rely on structure and control to express love to others, 6s rely on sacrifice and forgiveness. 4s are less flexible and often accuse 6s of being too soft and forgiving. 6s appear more loving than 4s, although this is rarely the case. If both partners remember that they have the same values, their relationship can survive.

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Life Path 4 and 7 compatibility

Life Path number 4 and Life Path number 7 are very nearly a match made in Numerology compatibility heaven. United on an intellectual and spiritual (more than physical) level, this relationship is grounded and goal-oriented. 4 is a doer, while the number 7 is full of ideas and spiritual searching. Think of this combo as "heaven meets earth" -- neither can exist without the other. Often, a 4 and 7 start their relationship at a very early age, drawn together by the fact that each clearly fills the other's needs. The 7 gives the 4 a more philosophical outlook on life, which gives the 4 freedom; the number 4 gives the 7 a secure port amid the chaos, which gives the Life Path number 7 comfort. This is often a combination found in childhood romances that last a lifetime. The main issues arise in how the couple confronts everyday, material life -- 4s require order while 7s are comfortable in clutter. If they can compromise, Numerology says these two numbers can live very comfortably together.

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Life Path 4 and 8 compatibility

Life Path number 4 and Life Path 8 make excellent lovers or business partners, working together like gears in an engine. By joining their forces -- creatively or in business -- they quadruple their output. While number 4 is persistent, dependable, business-minded, and determined, the number 8 is a true visionary. In romance, each respects the other's value and hard work. A 4 and a Life Path 8 can create a wonderful world together where spiritual bonding happens effortlessly. Still, 8s can seem risk-taking to 4s; 8s can also strike 4s as stubborn. Meanwhile, 8s can see 4s as stuck in the mud. If frustration overshadows love, the relationship could end fast. Compromise is the name of the game, because when this couple is on, they're on. Realizing that this relationship is worth salvaging, the 4 Life Path number and the 8 Life Path number should work hard to support each other and then enjoy the productive relationship that follows.

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Life Path 4 and 9 compatibility

If Life Path number 4 and Life Path number 9 want the relationship to last, they need to acknowledge important differences right off the bat. This coupling is all about differences in opinion -- it's not that 4 and 9 aren't compatible, they simply don't connect. If romance blooms, it's because other numbers in their charts support it; otherwise, this is one alien combo. The 4 and 9 should remember that the less known about the other, the better -- the fun comes in allowing love to weld their hearts, while allowing their minds to stay free. 4 must allow 9 a life devoted to people or projects that 4 could never get excited about. The Life Path 9 will have to allow 4 to be more selfless. Unfortunately, no two numbers reflect an inexplicable negative vibration as clearly as a 4 and a 9.

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