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Numerology Life Path 3 compatibility

Numerology Life Path 3 Compatibility

The best and worst love matches for the Life Path number 3

By Numerology.com Staff

The Numerology Life Path number 3 is fun-loving, optimistic, and has a knack for creativity. People with a 3 Life Path are often extroverts who enjoy expressing themselves and sharing good times with others. But a Life Path 3 in Numerology can also make a person unfocused and flighty, which could cause a real problem in romantic relationships!

So which other Life Path numbers would thrive in a partnership with a number 3? You don't need a Numerology compatibility calculator to figure it out! Keep reading to see which combinations run smoothly and which will be a struggle when it comes to compatibility...

Life Path 3 and 1 compatibility

Life Path number 3 and Life Path number 1 form one of the best combos for happiness and long-lasting, mutual pleasure. The 1's individualism meshes well with the creative, "anything goes" attitude of the 3, and these two could easily become the "fun couple" among their friends. A Life Path 1 and a 3 are both fun-loving -- the two can expect to have exciting adventures followed by enlightening conversation. And together, these two overcome obstacles more easily than most couples. The 1's forceful personality means they drive this relationship, and the 3 contributes sunshine and lightness of heart. But a number 1 and number 3 should be careful: a 1 puts a premium on responsibility and loyalty, while a 3 is more playful and restless and changes direction more easily. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is precisely the unlikeness between these numbers' personalities that brings balance to this relationship.

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Life Path 3 and 2 compatibility

A relationship between a thick-skinned number 3 the more vulnerable Life Path number 2 can be full of conflict -- the 3 can seem tactless, insensitive to the small hurts the Life Path 2 might experience. However, when little things grow into big emotional issues, the 3 will respond passionately -- a little too passionately, losing site of the feeling and beauty of the romance. This can cause the 2 to withdraw. On the upside, a combination of 2 and 3 can be very passionate and strong. If the 3 can learn to keep verbal impulses under control, and the number 2 has enough self-confidence to handle occasional criticism, the relationship has a shot at succeeding. It can also nurture creative juices in both the 2 and the 3; there is a lot of room for growth and imagination in this relationship. Open, frank discussion is important, but it must be accompanied by sensitivity if they want to have a long-term relationship.

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Life Path 3 and 3 compatibility

Communication is full of lively expression between two Life Path number 3s. According to Numerology, the jokes come easily, and each knows how to please the other. Together, two 3s can have an active, dynamic social life. The downside is that the happy-go-lucky times overshadow deeper issues; 3s want so badly to stay upbeat that they can ignore real problems and allow them to fester. To keep the romance alive and real, both partners need to be prepared to face emotional turmoil -- it is, after all, a natural part of life. Each partner should initiate a serious talk anytime trouble comes up. Also, joy and fun can be too high a priority for this couple, causing both parties to ignore duty or responsibilities. By nature, a Life Path 3 daydreams often and can be scattered or impulsive. Both 3s should work to keep each other grounded, ensuring balance.

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Life Path 3 and 4 compatibility

Compatibility between a Life Path number 3 and a Life Path number 4 can be difficult. 3s are fun-loving and playful, with a strong faith in life. For 3s, optimism is the name of the game. 4s, however, are grounded and practical. They desire discipline and are duty-oriented. On the one hand, this makes for a very balanced relationship. As long as there aren't any true obstacles, everything is harmonious for this couple. But when life presents a challenge, a number 3 and number 4 couple is one of the combos least prepared to deal. The 3 Life Path might resent the 4's hard-nosed approach to the problem. The Life Path 4 will resent what he or she sees as the go-with-the-flow 3's lack of effort in addressing the problem. Instead of forming a united front, the 3 and 4 may turn against each other. Instead, each must acknowledge the other's different approach to conflict, step back, and avoid being critical. If they can do that, they'll strike an ideal balance.

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Life Path 3 and 5 compatibility

Life Path number 3 and Life Path number 5 are an excellent combination in Numerology, but because both partners are so compatible, they run the risk of enhancing each other's less desirable traits, too. 3 is upbeat and playful, but not always focused on results. A Life Path 5 is often restless, although more social. If a number 3 and number 5 live together, they will create a harmonious living environment, and they will definitely become the couple people admire for their ability to communicate so easily and energetically. It is this popularity that could cause trouble -- both (but the 5 Life Path number especially) have a tendency to be jealous. Also, both 3s and 5s enjoy the spotlight, which could create an uncomfortable competitive atmosphere. It is best for both to hone their communication, and to beware: shelving emotional problems for too long can mean the death of the relationship. Both numbers need to be sensitive to signs of discomfort or anger and address them immediately to ensure a creative and happy life.

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Life Path 3 and 6 compatibility

In Numerology, Life Path number 3 and Life Path number 6 make a creative and compatible couple: 3 is sparkly and social, and 6 projects warmth and love. Both numbers easily win friends, making this duo popular and socially active. A Life Path 6 inspires loyalty and is a great, nurturing parent figure. 3 is very generous and more playful, but less patient with emotional issues. 3 is more impulsive and, therefore, less emotionally invested than the number 6. The danger here is that the 6 will form an excessive emotional bond, running the risk of smothering the 3. Meanwhile, the 3 might feel disenchanted with the lack of space and freedom felt around the 6. The 6 Life Path is advised to give the 3 Life Path space and not try and take the 3 under their wing. Room to breathe and fresh air between the 3 and the 6 is the key to getting this partnership to flourish.

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Life Path 3 and 7 compatibility

"Interesting" is the best word to describe a long-term partnership between Life Path number 3 and Life Path number 7. According to Numerology compatibility, this relationship will either sputter and die within about two weeks, or remain exciting and powerful for a lifetime. Particularly if there's history between the two, 3 and 7 may be in it for the long haul. If that's not the case, the good news is that 3s and 7s are often able to form a deep friendship after the romance has died. While the mind of the 3 is kaleidoscopic, changing color and shape, the Life Path number 7 is much more serious but equally unconventional, always soul-searching and seeking truth. Both numbers like to think outside the box, which is why some 3s and 7s make it. While the 3 can bring sunshine to the number 7, the 7 can give the 3 a taste of beauty from the more serious side of life. These two numbers can be harmonious if they manage not to compete for each other's space.

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Life Path 3 and 8 compatibility

Life Path number 3 and Life Path number 8 are a tough combination to call... The two are, at the same time, both compatible and incompatible. The 3 brings a creative, scattered energy that can prove uplifting to the 8. The Life Path 8 is ambitious and goal-oriented. Both the 3 Life Path and the 8 Life Path are capable of turning dreams into reality, but their approaches are very different. This is a great combo for business partners or long-time friends who decide to start a new business venture. At the same time, the number 8 might become frustrated with 3's tendency to drop projects. 3, meanwhile, can find 8's priorities are out of whack. 3 is more easy-going, while 8 is demanding. On the question of romance, the only way for love to flourish is for the couple to maintain mutual respect. The 3 and 8's views of life are so different that they must respect each other's needs.

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Life Path 3 and 9 compatibility

Life Path numbers 3 and 9 have a great chemistry. The name of the game is unity, and the coupling could last a lifetime. Although both numbers are considered self-centered or egocentric, both have powerful imaginations and intense inner lives that draw them to each other. The 3 can be considered offbeat and original, while the Life Path 9 likes to tweak the external world until everything is harmonious. Balance is easy -- the number 3 appreciates how the 9 seems able to control events and surroundings, while the number 9 loves the easy way the 3 takes advantage of whatever life has to offer. The danger between the two is that both enjoy the limelight, and can sometimes butt heads when trying to take center stage -- competition is a real risk. If the 3 and the 9 can avoid acting like politicians and instead build a caring romantic life, the relationship will feel easy and fulfilling.

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