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Numerology number 1

Number 1 Meaning in Numerology

Learning about the single digit one

By Numerology.com Staff

The nine single-digit numbers are the foundation of the study of Numerology and the essence of order in our world. Each of the numbers has its own symbolism and meaning -- almost like its own personality -- and its presence influences our lives in different ways. Understanding the unique meaning of these numbers helps us receive the important messages they are sending when they appear in our Numerology and throughout our lives. The number 1 -- the very first of all numbers -- puts power directly in our hands as a symbol of independence, confidence, and new beginnings.

What is the definition of 1 in Numerology?

There's so much motivation and momentum surrounding this single-digit number. It is a true pioneer, eager to break ground on new endeavors and pave the way for others to follow. It is a natural leader and a proactive force. The number 1 represents newness, movement, and the possibilities that await us. In spiritual symbolism, it is the number of creation and the birth of all things -- the divine origin of the universe.

In Numerology the number 1 is the root of opportunity in our lives. It is a symbol of confidence, power, and action. It pushes us to look at our current circumstances and realize that we have the power to turn them into anything we wish. Even if we are afraid, the 1 inspires us to take control of our future and embrace new beginnings.

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Strengths of the number 1

Independent: Of all the numbers in Numerology, the 1 is the most self-sufficient, needing nothing but itself and its energy to thrive. It doesn't sit around waiting for opportunities to come about, it makes its own luck by capitalizing on circumstances others may be afraid to explore. The single-digit number 1 doesn't want to waste any time getting stuck negotiating or discussing plans. Going it alone allows for greater flexibility and quick, efficient movement.

Goal-oriented: With a positive outlook and unwavering self-determination, this number excels at setting and going after its goals. It has a hard time standing still because it sees a world packed with possibilities just waiting to be taken advantage of. It's not that the number 1 can't be satisfied, rather, its satisfaction comes from staying active and always progressing. In a few words: Why stand still when you could advance?

Innovative: Roadblocks don't exist for the strong-willed 1 -- not because they don't arise, but because this number's innovative mindset can find new ideas and creative solutions to work around them. Instead of being daunted by obstacles, the 1 looks at them as a challenge that must be (and will be) overcome. Seeing a door where others see a wall is a major asset to the 1's success.

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Weaknesses of the number 1

Forceful: While this number can come across as ambitious, its stop-at-nothing attitude can also make it seem uncaring or domineering as it pushes its way forward. More physical than spiritual, it doesn't need anyone else's help and is too focused on its own pursuits to even realize when it's made an offense. Softer energies of cooperation and patience get shoved aside in the interest of movement and progress.

Risky: The number 1 would call itself fearless, but a lack of foresight can all-too-easily lead it into trouble that could have been avoided. Tunnel vision and an extreme sense of invincibility makes the 1 so focused on the path before it that it can miss the warning signs in its peripheral vision.

Doubtful: With such an extreme drive to accomplish and succeed, self-doubt is this number's Achilles heel. Though it won't show it on the outside, the number 1 harbors a deep fear of making mistakes or coming up short of its goal. It takes even minor criticism to heart but will ultimately use it as motivation to improve.

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Life Path number 1 in Numerology

As an innovator and a pioneer, the 1 path is full of energy and motivation. These people are natural leaders and very capable of creating opportunity for themselves. Their lesson is to become genuinely confident in their abilities and practice trusting others.

Reveal more insight into what it means to be a Life Path number 1 »

Personality traits for number 1:

  • Independent
  • Ambitious
  • Proactive
  • Pioneering
  • Innovative
  • Self-centered
  • Uninhibited
  • Reckless
  • Motivated
  • Freedom-loving

The Number 1 in Tarot & Astrology

In a Tarot deck, 1 is the number of The Magician card. Similar to the Numerology meaning, this Tarot card advises you use all the resources available to you to manifest opportunities and build your own future. In the study of the zodiac, the 1 is associated with both Aries, the first sign, and Leo. Like the 1, both these Astrology signs thrive in activity, freedom, and self-expression.

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1 in your Numerology chart

There are many numbers in your Numerology chart and the number 1 could show up anywhere, from your Personality number to your Soul Urge number to your Destiny number to your Life Path number. Where it appears in your chart reading will tell you how its meaning plays out in your life. But the energy of the number 1 will always be the same: it's powerful, it's driven to succeed, and it'll stop at nothing as it goes forth in the direction of its dreams.

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Other Numerology meanings

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